What's Blooming Now after a Wet Winter
The wet winter has been beneficial for the Ralph Shugert vinca minor and Jack Frost Brunerra plants.
Two favorite early bloomers of mine have not bloomed. Both of these plants are in challenging areas. The magnolia is in part sun and the camellia is in deep shade. I think they were affected by so much rain and fewer days with sunlight. The white Royal magnolia stellata looks healthy, but hasn't produced blossoms. A cherry red camellia japonica had numerous buds, but is down to just five now. I'm not sure if they dropped or were eaten. I've only seen one bud on the ground.

The cushion spurge is wearing it's green in time for St. Patrick's day this week.

The hellebores started blooming in early February and are still giving us a great show. There is still alot of brown here, but these lovelies remind us of Spring flowers to come.

The paper bush has had a stellar performance this year so we know it has enjoyed the wetness. It's wonderful to have the sweet scent in early March. I think the blossoms are the best that I can remember.

Thanks to Julie for telling me about Scilla. These have bloomed much longer than the crocuses. This is their first Spring here. They are still blooming after about three weeks.

It's been such a wet winter (record breaking-- again) that Ian decided to build a covered squirrel feeder. I love what he did with the roof. He collected bark with moss that was on the ground and attached it to the roof. Of course, this look is temporary. The squirrels have already torn off most of it. I think everyone is happy with the feeder though. The food stays dry and the squirrels have some shelter.

What does a woman do with time on her hands during the winter of social isolation? Order a fairy house from England. I found it on Etsy. It has a working chimney, oak door and window frame. The slate used on the roof is from Wales. The fence post in the background needs to be replaced, so we will add some attractive gravel to the "backyard" once that is completed.

This weekend we had great weather which allowed us to start tidying up the garden. I've been on my hands and knees pulling up Spring onions and other prolific weeds that are in the garden bed up front.
One fun task was transplanting more liriope to the edge of the spiral in the backyard to highlight it's shape.

The weekend of March 13th was so warm here (in the low 70s), I had my first Pimms and natural ginger ale of the season on the zero gravity lounge chair. It was sweet!

We are expecting rain and chilly temps (40s) tonight. That is the see saw of early Spring in the Piedmont. I hope that anyone reading this is not snowed under!