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Early May 2023- Birds and Blossoms

Our extended Spring continues! Its a cool day overcast day here, 65 degrees as we near noon. Its a good time to upload a few photos.

We've enjoyed the annual parade of fledgings at the feeder. Here's a short video of Mama bluebird with her fledgings.

Some birds may be difficult to distinguish as fledging or adult. This Red-bellied woodpecker is likely a fledging. How do I know? The Mourning dove was reluctant to leave the feeder. Normally, they exit quickly if an adult woodpecker enters.

They won't hesitate to peck at the other birds to encourage them to leave.

Success! He has the feeder to himself.

Here's a profile. He's a little smaller than the adults.

The cooler temps have suppressed the mosquitos, so we are spending more evening time on the patio. I have discovered that sitting low on the patio in my portable lounge chair instead of the dining chairs is super immersive. I love to feel like I'm sitting in the middle of a flower bed.

Southern Charm verbascum were added to one of my meadow style gardens in the front yard for a little interest while we wait for the daylilies and echinaceas. These are becoming one of my favorite perennials here. If you dead head them they will bloom throughout the summer and into autumn.

Speaking of new favorites... The Green Spice heucheras are spectacular. I hope they survive our summer heat.

We are slowly, but surely making progress with the gardens next door. The side bank garden is starting to look like an actual garden! It's a tough environment, but the irises and sedum are doing well. I'm steadily propogating the sedum to add even more. Both the irises and sedum were gifts from former neighbors. Dorrys and Sara made me really happy by giving us these plants when they moved, respectively. We are all sentimental about our plants.

This corner of the garden next door is intended to become a habitat for the birds and small creatures like rabbits. It sits on the other side of a group of small ligustrums and some pine trees. We've added a redbud, pink dogwood, pink spirea bushes, and two "curb alert" abelias to add to this thicket. We don't use the bird feeder, but keep it as a good memory and garden ornament from the McLean family who sold us the house. We've planted peach daylilies and purple liatris in front of the feeder. Our fern garden is on the other side of this thicket.

Back to our garden- I've planted three Salvia greggii Mirage Cream plants just beyond the rose arbor. They should grow to about 20 inches. The bright colors of the hot pink William Baffin roses, and peach Beverly Sills irises that bloomed in April were a little much for me. Hopefully, this cream will calm everything down a little. The little sparrow behind the mealy cup sage, Proven Winners Unplugged So Blue is moving into the feeder area. These have bloomed all season for me the last two years. I recently planted ten of these throughout the two border gardens that are between the rose arbor and the garden pond.

I hope that everyone is enjoying the early growing season. The sun is trying to come out here. Excellent!


May 18, 2023

That's a great tip about sitting lower in the garden! Love the video of the baby bluebirds - how does Maddie act around the birds? The old bird feeder is a nice point of interest in your thicket garden - that area is coming along nicely.

Have spent the afternoon digging out the composters to top off a reworked garden area which is much neglected. The rich top soil should help this area which is very shady.

The Dominoes are in bloom! Will have to send pictures!

May 18, 2023
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Maddie is very squirrel centric. She isn't interested in the birds. Nothing like good compost. Definitely send the photos of the Domino epimediums. I wish ours were still alive.



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