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Late April 2019

It's been a beautiful Spring with lots of rain. Most plants have fared well. The German irises bloomed, but not as profusely in years past.I assume they weren't as appreciative of the rain. Two iris additions that bloomed last year didn't bloom at all. Since May 2018 we have been twelve inches above our normal annual rain fall.

The Red Riding Hood penstemon were gorgeous on April 26, but eventually got too leggy. Their weight and the loose wet soil pulled some of their roots out of the ground. I have ordered grow through hoops to help them. In the meantime, I have cut them back and replanted them. They are looking pitiful at the moment, but should recover. This plant produces a repeat bloom each year if cut back. 7 5 2019- Update. Two of the penstemons are coming back after the re-plant. I must have killed the third one. Most years, I just cut them back. I've never had to re-plant them until this year.

The spiderworts and rose bush are loving the wet cool weather.

Native willow amsonia gifted to me by my Aunt Ann many years ago.

This is the bush that keeps on giving. We've divided it many times and spread it throughout the garden. It's a lovely Spring addition. Here it is paired with Beverly Sills iris.

Creeping Veronica: Waterperry and White Water. Interestingly, Ian and his girls are friends with the garden manager at Waterperry gardens in the UK, Pat Havers. Pat's daughter, Rachel has visited them in Durham recently.

Heucherella, Eye Spy. I received these from Sunlight Gardens in eastern Tennessee this Spring. I hope that the garden center continues. I received an email stating that they are retiring after many years in the business. I found their web site too late. What a great year for the shade bed with all of the plentiful moisture. These plants still have this lovely coloration on May 16th. I needed a different shade of green in the shade garden.

Speaking of rain.... Ian laid hardwood mulch that doesn't float on our bare foot path. So far, it is working beautifully. One small terrier and two adults didn't give the grass much of a chance.

Garden path

Another shot of the path.

Just a nice view to the back of the yard.

I found these gorgeous velvety petunias at Lowe's. Perfect for purple lovers! Sorry, they weren't named.

Heirloom Lily of the Valley from my grandmother's yard.

Young cardinal on the feeder. We've had plenty of fledglings this year.

House finches set up a nest in the jasmine under the apex of the house.

Next door Carolina wrens built a nest in Alicia's lovely door wreath.

Our best performing willow amsonia is in the front yard under a pink dogwood. This Fall it will be divided and have a home in Susan's yard. Her gardener would like some of it. I consider that the ultimate compliment! Rachel and Susan are putting pressure on me with their colorful garden. I've got to keep up. :) Note the lovely dianthus to the left of the willow amsonia. That's Susan's garden.

Lots more photos to come, now that we are in May. As always, Happy



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