Two small additions to the garden with big impact
Spent Spring flowers left me with two big blocks of green. There's nothing wrong with green, but I like to break it up some. A spontaneous purchase at Home Depot solved my problem. I fell in love with brightly blooming Red Riding Hood penstemon and a steely blue phlox, in the dwarf Flame series, ''variedad enana". I was supposed to be shopping for a couple of annuals for pots. The quandary was where to plant my new perennials. After looking at things with a critical eye, I found a home for them. The penstemon are in front of my Swan Pink and Yellow columbine. I hope that next year the penstemons will be in growth mode, when the columbine is in bloom. I thought that penstemons would have bloomed out already here. So, we will see if that was a good idea for the long term. The dwarf phlox were squeezed in front of the Beverly Sills Iris bed. (Thanks to Ian for help with MS Paint Shop and merging.) Here's a view of both plantings.
Red Riding Hood penstemon with black mondo grass and a coppiced elderberry as a back drop. The aforementioned columbine is hidden. Our little friend Pan, is on the rock. He lost his legs a few years ago. I'm pretending that he's an artifact now.
Blue Phlox Flame Series in front of Beverly Sills iris and a willow amsonia bush. Spirea Neon bushes are in bloom to the left.